I know this isn't Friday, but a couple of parcels arrived over the last couple of days, and I needed to share.
A parcel arrived this morning. The effects of the post strike have taken their toll, as I have been waiting for this to arrive for aaaaaaaaaages. It came from Geminiknits who is fairly local to me, as a random piece of information to share with you. The parcel contained 4 skeins of merino sock yarn, and 4 surprise and very sweet little stitch markers.
All the colours were impulse buys, but I want to knit a Chevron Scarf out of two of them, and it is just deciding which 2. At the moment the bottom two in the picture below are winning.
I was in a very blue place when I ordered them, which wasn't apparent until they arrived. They are all desperately pretty though, and I can't wait until the end of the self imposed project moratorium whilst I get on with the Christmas knits.
Today's parcel wasn't the only one that arrived. Saturday I got up to a little package from Robyn. It contained some Colinette Jitterbug in Jewel (which girl can resist a sale bargain!) which may well become fingerless mitts.
3 skeins of this delicious Hacho 4-ply or slightly thicker merino from mirasol, enough to make a pair of really squidgy, longish socks out of - possibly Monkeys.
and some cool stitch markers. They pleased my crossword puzzler self.
All in all way too many goodies. I think I am going to have to have a yarn diet too, until I have suitably shrunk the stash. If ever I get on to Ravelry the list of planned projects is going to be obscene.
At least it made Monday a squee-fest though.
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