Thursday, 27 September 2007


Yesterday I finished this little cotton kimono (Heartbreakingly Cute Baby Kimono, MDK, as written in Peaches & Creme Col. Celery). It is a gift for my colleague Sarah who is leaving to have her first baby on Tuesday (leaving that is, baby makes its own mind up when it comes). Obviously it is for the baby, Sarah is thin, but not that petite.

I did some figuring out today, and this is the 40-something F knitted O of the year. That is over FOUR TY knitted things I have made this year. I couldn't knit this time 12 months ago, and I am sat here typing in sunshine yellow Monkeys (ies?) that I made. And that says nothing of the clothes I have sewn, or the fact that I may also be turning into a quilter. It is hardly any wonder that I am facing major angst on how I can work for a living and still fit in all the things that are important in life. This is an evolving story though.

In separate news... Jenn has suggested that I have a monthly haiku competition. Bloody good idea. This month's theme is pie. There are no prizes, just the kudos of a haiku well written. Plaudits will be published on the first of the next month, along with the new theme. Should I remember.

One last shot before this goes to have formula and mushed banana ground into it.

1 comment:

Barb said...

So cute! I love the ribbon. Nothing is better than knitting for babies.