Friday, 11 April 2008


Towards Blackfriars
Originally uploaded by

I love the OXO tower. I spent a lot of time in my student union bar (surprise surprise) with a Newkey Brown in hand starring out at the tower, and now it forms part of my journey home, made extra pretty with the sun shining off Sea Containers House.

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Compare and contrast

Compare and contrast
Originally uploaded by

Sunday it SNOWED.

Properly snowed. We got over 3 inches in 45 minutes. I was like a pig in pooh. Snow gets me as excited as Christmas, and I was all set to be snowed in for days.

Turns out however that 45 minutes of snow in a morning during spring don't mean a thing if the sun comes out, as by 5pm all the snow had gone again.

Easy come, easy go I guess!